(NEW YORK, NY) — During his first address to the U.N. today, President Joe Biden attempted to separate his Administration from the Trump Administration’s failures on climate action by speaking at length about the need to tackle the climate crisis. 
President Biden declared to the General Assembly that “[w]e will lead on all the greatest challenges of our time from Covid to climate change” and noting that inaction would mean “[w]e will all suffer the consequences of our failure.”
Biden’s remarks come shortly after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed President Biden has taken “every step he can take within his control, to move the climate agenda forward.”
While major steps are happening, as demonstrated by stopping the Keystone XL pipeline, the President has yet to act to stop just as risky pipelines that were rubber-stamped by the Trump Administration like Line 3 and the Dakota Access Pipeline. These fossil fuel pipelines would threaten Americans’ land, clean water, property rights, and Tribal sovereignty while accelerating the climate crisis.
For months, Indigenous, environmental, and allied activists have been calling on the administration to live up to its climate and justice commitments and cancel these and other Trump pipelines — climate action that is well within the Administration’s authority. Congress is not needed to act.
In response, Joye Braun, the National Pipelines Organizer for Indigenous Environmental Network, released the following statement on behalf of the Stop Trump Pipelines coalition:
“President Biden is attempting to turn the page from the Trump administration, but until he uses his authority to stop all Trump-era fossil fuel projects, our communities will continue to raise the red flag. Want to lead the way in responding to the climate crisis? Stop Trump pipelines. Want to fulfill our moral obligation to frontline communities and future generations? Stop Trump pipelines. Want to turn the page from Trump? Stop Trump pipelines. Want to lead the world on climate action? Stop Trump pipelines.”


Indigenous Rising Radio

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