By Ayse G

The Paiter-Suruí REDD project in Brazil is often held up as a successful indigenous-led REDD project. In December 2014, REDD-Monitor published an English translation of an interview by CIMI(the Indigenous Missionary Council) with Henrique Suruí in which he gives a completely different opinion of the project.
The interview was originally published in CIMI’s publication, Porantim. You can read the interview in Portuguese here, and in English, here.
The Paiter-Suruí REDD project has appeared several times on the website Ecosystem Marketplace, always in glowing terms. After REDD-Monitor posted the interview with Henrique Suruí, the Managing Editor of Ecosystem Marketplace, Steve Zwick, wrote a response linking to reactions (posted on Facebook in Portuguese) from Julio Suruí,Almir Suruí, and Delson Gavião.
REDD-Monitor posted Zwick’s response, here.
Now leaders of the Paiter-Suruí have sent a Note of Clarification to the representatives of the Federal Public Ministry in Rondônia. CIMI has posted the note on its website along with a background explanation by Patrícia Bonilha, who did the interview with Henrique Suruí.
The following is an unofficial translation of the Bonilha’s post, followed by the Note of Clarification:
Leaders of the Paiter Suruí ask that the carbon …read more
Read more here:: Leaders of the Paiter Suruí ask that the carbon project with Natura be terminated – new post on REDD-Monitor