Bemidji, MN (June 24, 2019)-  Presidential candidate Governor Jay Inslee released a bold plan to prevent climate chaos today, titled Freedom from Fossil Fuels. The plan lays the groundwork for America to transition from its dependency on fossil fuels and advocates for a just transom towards a sustainable, renewable economy. America is the largest producer of oil and gas and has a moral responsibility to make the necessary changes to protect all our relatives across the world from the climate crisis that is dictating weather and migration patterns.

With further bold action, Governor Inslee’s plan lays out proposals for tribal nation inclusion, by “directing federal agencies to fully empower tribal nations, through free, prior and informed consent, and the enforcement of treaty rights, to reject major infrastructure proposals that would adversely impact their people, land, water, or cultural resources. And requiring all federal environmental review and permitting processes to involve thorough consultation with and input from local communities.”

Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network Executive Director said: 

 “Governor Inslee’s newest plan is a big step towards the type of bold action needed to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth and defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Western science and traditional Indigenous knowledge have already determined what needs to happen to avoid complete climate disaster. The Governor’s plan to end the extraction, leasing of fossil fuel development in federal lands and end tax breaks and other financial incentives for petroleum, their infrastructures and coal companies is perfectly in line with those determinations.  

If other presidential candidates wants their climate positions to be taken seriously they need to pay attention, because Governor Inslee just set the benchmark incorporating principles of environmental justice and just transition with this plan. The Indigenous Environmental Network looks forward to seeing how Inslee’s climate plan progresses and what plans the other 2020 candidates will bring to the table in regards to mitigating climate change, phasing out fossil fuels and exploring real solutions towards cutting emissions at source, outside the mechanisms of carbon pricing, geoengineering technologies and with no nukes.”
