Hello relatives!
I don’t know if you heard, but President Biden has stated that he is considering declaring a Climate Emergency! This is an official action that would allow the President to use his executive powers to stop the expansion of fossil fuels on federal lands. Read here to learn what he could do.
First off – this would not have happened if it wasn’t for our Indigenous land defenders and water protectors stepping up and taking action.
However, latest intel suggests Biden is waffling on making this declaration, even as communities across the country suffer from extreme fossil-fueled heat.
We need to flood the White House phone line NOW and ongoing until he follows through – not only for a climate emergency declaration, but also immediate action to stop approving fossil fuel leasing, exports, pipelines and other infrastructure.
Phone Number: (888) 431 – 7599
Instructions: The White House Comment Line (888-431-7599) is open Tues-Thurs 11 AM – 3 PM EST. Please call during these hours and leave a message using the script below.
Call Script:
Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. I’m calling with the Indigenous Environmental Network and People vs Fossil Fuels coalition. With climate disasters mounting and Congress at a standstill, we’re counting on Biden to declare a climate emergency NOW and stop approving fossil fuel leases, exports, and infrastructure.
Sample Post: [Use graphic attached and linked here]
- TODAY: Please call the White House & urge @POTUS to declare a #ClimateEmergency, stop fossil fuel leasing, export and project approvals, and speed a just, renewable energy transition. #PeoplevsFossilFuels [add graphic]
- The White House Comment Line (888-431-7599) is open Tues-Thurs 11 AM – 3 PM EST. Please call during these hours and leave a message using the script above!
- Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. I’m calling with the #PeoplevsFossilFuels coalition. With climate disasters mounting and Congress at a standstill, we’re counting on Biden to declare a climate emergency NOW and stop approving fossil fuel leases, exports & projects.
Please stay tuned for more soon and let’s continue to ramp up the pressure.
With love,
Dallas Goldtooth