Panganga Pungowiyi
Climate Geoengineering Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network
Panganga Pungowiyi is an Indigenous mother from Sivungaq, located in the so-called Bering Strait. Panganga has been involved in many grassroots efforts seeking justice for Indigenous Peoples including efforts to protect lands and water from extractive industry, MMIWG, and DVSA against Indigenous Womxn. Social justice and healing are recurring themes woven within Panganga’s personal and professional life as the director of Kawerak, Inc.’s Wellness Program, where she sought funding for wellness camps, healing camps, undoing racism and decolonizing workshops, community safety patrol, youth leadership training, bystander intervention training and cultural humility. Many years were spent developing and hosting communal healing spaces for historical trauma and colonial oppression. Most recently Panganga began training as a Tribal Healer. Saying that her higher education comes from her elders who taught her about traditional plant medicine and body work, healing, justice and advocacy continues in Panganga’s role at IEN as the Climate Geoengineering Organizer. Joining IEN in August 2021, her work is focused on Climate False Solutions, specifically in dangerous and hazardous Climate Geoengineering Projects, including Carbon Dioxide Removal, Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon Capture Use and Storage, Direct Air Capture, Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage, Ocean Fertilization, Solar Radiation Mitigation, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, Surface Albedo Modification, Marine Cloud Brightening, and Marine Geoengineering. She continues to gather information about other false solutions technologies, as the overwhelming majority are tested in Indigenous territories without Free, Prior and Informed Consent. She rallies against such projects as the Arctic Ice Project and works to make educational materials and resource lists available to Indigenous Peoples so they can protect themselves against potentially harmful technologies. Panganga says unjust contamination and experimentation are part of her family history. Both Climate change and false climate solutions are only possible because of racism, capitalism and colonization. They are not root problems, but are instead symptoms of a deeper issue relating to our relationship with each other as peoples, and the relationship that the extractive-based economy has with the Natural World and Indigenous Peoples. She enjoys making soap that resembles traditional foods and other symbols of her culture, beadwork, singing, acting and parenting.
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