Voice opposition to the Keystone Oil Pipeline

The Indigenous Environmental Network will join 350.org, Sierra Club and hundreds of concerned citizens in a rally calling on elected officials to fight climate change and build a healthier future, joining voices in a resounding NO to the Keystone XL Pipeline, tar sands, dirty fossil fuel energy and YES to a brighter, cleaner, and equitable future for our next seven generations.
IEN is part of this nationwide rally urging President Obama and our elected leaders to address the climate crisis- beginning with saying no to the Keystone XL pipeline.
The Keystone XL Pipeline which would transport oil from the tar sands of Canada across sovereign native lands, down through the middle of the country, to the Texas coast, where it will be refined, loaded onto tankers bound for world markets. The Keystone XL would open up the tar sands for more extraction, that will release disastrous amounts of CO2 into our atmosphere.
Join IEN on Sunday, February 17, 2013
At the Washington Monument Rally Begins at 11:30 AM Sharp