Anonymous Autonomous Antifascists Blockade Blocks Enbridge Line 3 Easement to the Willow River
Anonymous Autonomous Antifascists Blockade Blocks Enbridge Line 3 Easement to the Willow River
Today at approximately 6am Anonymous Autonomous Antifascists joined the fight to Stop Line 3 blockading the easements to the willow river and occupying the drill pad in order to uplift and empower the indigenous leadership standing in the river in prayer. We can not allow them to take these rivers, Enbridge was given a cease-and-desist notice in order to protect The ceremonial lodge located in Palisade, The state of Minnesota has refused to abide by that order and so action was taken. Abide by the order or we will continue to utilize people’s power to shut shit down. We must fight white supremacy every time it turns its head. We call to the river all able bodies willing to fight for a better safer and viable tomorrow.